Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Behind the Laughs

I have long linked Sandra Bell Lundy's blog on the rail, and I know some of my readers are also her readers (and one of my readers even writes the thing!), but here's a reminder, because you won't want to miss the current series of posts.

She's not writing them.

That's kind of a left-handed compliment, but Sandra has gone back to the Old Country (Newfoundland) and, while I can hardly wait for what she posts upon her return, she is, in the meantime, running interviews with other women cartoonist/illustrators, and they are wonderful.

In particular, I got a kick out of the current posting, in which cartoonist Kim Warp talks about her career and her work. Most of my contacts in the cartooning world are with comic strip artists, so hearing about magazine work is branching into unfamiliar territory -- always fun -- but, in addition, the story of how Kim got into cartooning is completely endearing and makes me wish my mother had covered the kitchen table with butcher paper, and that I had done the same for my kids. God knows we were all competitive enough.

Go now.
Read the interview. Then read the rest of them. And stick around for when the Mistress of the House returns, because she'll have more cool stuff then, too, I'm quite sure.

Oh, and you should also be reading Sandra's strip, Between Friends.

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