Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Best sixth grade talent show act I've seen in months

I may be coming to the party late. This kid's video has had over 26 million hits and he got a shot on "Ellen" during which Lady Gaga called to tell him how cool he is. But I don't watch "Ellen" and I don't cruise YouTube for videos of kids singing, so I didn't see this until I was doing an article for Internet Safety Month and stumbled over it at a kid-safe video site ("Kideos").

Perhaps it's new to you, too, in which case, you should hit "play."

1 comment:

  1. Talented kid, good for him. I was having fun watching the girls in the background. Greyson may not know it yet, but in another year or two he'll have more girlfriends than he knows what to do with. I think that blonde already has his number.
