Saturday, February 20, 2010

And now, this message ...

Okay, it's a commercial. But it's a pretty interesting commercial from a guy who, until a couple of years ago, never did interviews or talked about his work. I know this because I did a series of interviews with cartoonists who were carried in the paper where I was then working, and he was the only one who turned me down, though he did so very politely.

Which means that I look at things like this and think, "If I'd only done that series about three years later, I'd have had the complete set of artists ..."

In any case, it's a commercial for something my handful of readers might actually want.


  1. And well done, too...

  2. I think that's the most I've ever heard him talk publicly about anything. Very interesting.

  3. Sheesh, between this and all the books that your Comic Strip of the Day amazon widget inspired me to add, my wish list is getting awfully long.

  4. Yeah, Garry's attitude had changed. Back when he was shyer, he said something I always remembered and thought incisive (googling to get it right...): "Only in America could the failure to promote oneself be widely regarded as arrogance."

    Pastis recently went on a USO tour to Iraq with Trudeau and told me he was terrific company, very low key and easy-going. Good to hear. A man in his position could easily be a raging jerk, and apparently he's not.

  5. Thanks, Brian - that Trudeau quote goes right into my file of future monthly email / Usenet signatures.

  6. Salinger might have liked it, too.
