Monday, December 07, 2009

A final thought, before the memories fade ...

The morning after the murders at the Ecole Polytechnique, CHOM-FM's normally jocular morning DJ had a very subdued program that ended with this song. Whatever I thought of it up to that moment, it was transformed then into a sort of recessional.


  1. An incredibly moving slideshow. All those beautiful smiles... all that hope... all that possibility... transformed in the end into scenes of grief. Grief and loss. All that potential... wiped out.

    Thank you, again, for reminding us.

  2. Still no computer sound here, but i watched, and got another reminder of those who survived and will always have emotional and sometimes physical scars from it.

  3. So glad you posted this again. It is never too often to remember them - and this column is one of your very very veriest. When you finally get that book out, this may be the best of all - and yet you've done several others I can't get out of my mind too
