Saturday, November 14, 2009

And don't miss the Burger King tie-in

I've got nothing to add. Ruben Bolling speaks for me today. Except that it will be nice for parents to be able to drop their kids off at the cineplex to see this instead of actually having to sit down and play it with them.

And then the grandparents will give them the DVD for Christmas.

As someone said in the comments page at UClick, "Please don't give them any more ideas."


  1. I have the impression he's riffing on this.

  2. Spike Jonze is responsible for turning "Where the Wild Things Are" into just what he's criticizing.

    But that one is pretty horrifying, too.

    Not sure how Evelyn Waugh came into it, but always a pleasure to see him get a shout-out.
