Wednesday, July 01, 2009

If all a cappella arrangements were pulled off with the success of this Slovenian jazz choir's live shot, I'd be much more of a fan ... (here's what they are recreating).


  1. Wow. This happens to be one of my favourite songs, and I'm completely blown away by this version. The 'thunderstorm' raised the hairs on my arms before they ever broke into song.

    Thanks for introducing me to this. Slovenian jazz choir, eh? I now want to see what else they do.

  2. Great discovery - bears repeat listening! The original video, which i'd actually never seen, was interesting, too - thanks for including that link!

  3. Mike,

    Incredible...Making music without...lovely

  4. Anonymous11:57 AM

    we do a story in preschool with the rain noises...but we do not sing that well!
