Saturday, July 01, 2006

Dave Kellett currently does a comic strip called "Sheldon," which is on but not yet released for syndication in print, despite what I suspect is a growing audience, since he's got a book coming out this fall.

But Dave and I go back farther than Sheldon, because we went to school together at different times. At my 20th reunion, I got into a conversation with some of the students who were working the affair and the result was a monthly column de-mythologizing the '60s in the Observer, Notre Dame's daily paper, which ran throughout the 93-94 academic year. And, of course, I had to subscribe to see what else was being discussed so my columns would be relevant.

That was when Dave's comic strip, "The Four Food Groups of the Apocalypse," began running, and I became a fan. When I was rummaging around in my attic looking for something else, I came across this example of the strip. It was good stuff then and it's held up well, though of course there's a lot of "you had to be there" in this gag. But that's how local strips should be!

(Note: I've placed the panels two on the top and two on the bottom to make it more legible, but it -- perhaps obviously -- ran on a single level originally.)


  1. Anonymous7:40 PM

    . . .and according to the annual survey 90% of incoming Caltech frosh expect to be in the top 10% of their class. (Guess who?-)

  2. Wouldn't the Cal Tech version have the guy trying to pick up a girl by telling her he used to work at Radio Shack?
